
Some thoughts about method...

To use die-casting using a different substance in plastic molds, or containers, would necessitate either an open definition of "metal" or a different label for the process.
In the latter case, the cast items are lexically de-labeled in method.
IF pressurizing patterns into metals (medals?) has a diff relationship to forcing metal (or plastic) into hollow molds
Implies: I characterize the processes by the "face (front side)" of my materials:
e.g. Pressed into a pattern --> impressed form
Result: Positive space --> Neg space sculpture (positive space form)
Mold --> encased form
Result: Negative space --> Positive space sculpture (negative space form)
Drawing and extrusion (force out)
Molding (force in)

If the form is faceless, are we working with a phenomenologically more "essential" object? The best way I can illustrate is convex/concave lens, their exteriority/interiority cancel each other out
Convex/concave lens case (obvious, but just to reiterate why I define it as "cancellation"):
Pressed into convex pattern --> concave (= convex)
Convex mold --> convex form (= concave)
In both cases, the objects have interchangeable forms/processes.
If we factor in light,
Projected image is the "cast" form, so (projection = substance)
Given projection substance, mold = angle of projection + placement of the surface image is "cast" upon
Since the surface is variable receptacle for the image,
surface = pattern
(When past convergence the image flips, to maintain the original image mirrors req, and perhaps we have the situation described in Robert Smithson's writings on his mirror displacements)
Then process of molding and patterning coincide.
I am inclined to compress (inclined as a figurative term and compress in a literal way) the above definitions into 2 dimensions, where the "lens" collapses into a circle on a canvas or drawing board, so it a flatlandish (and outlandish) view of the 3d situation I've described above. Process of viewing the circle, another projection, a completely transparent one in meaning (if meaning = subtance) and mold=viewercontext position changes image, and painting becomes a lens, and if linked to the above description by a process incorporating a stencil (=mold, spray over stencil = mold process, neg. space articulated 2d)... then the painting becomes faceless.

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